Showing posts with label Health information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health information. Show all posts

Friday, 13 November 2020

Manfaat Asam Jawa untuk Kesehatan Friday, 13 November 2020

Manfaat Asam jawaAsam jawa berasal dari afrika tapi masuk ke indonesia ini pohon ini digunakan hanya sebagai peneduh saja di pinggiran pingiran jalan.

Atau  asam jawa (Tamarindus indica), asam atau asem merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang menghasilkan  buah yang masam rasanya; dan biasa digunakan oleh sebagian kalangan sebagai bumbu berbagai masakan dan bahan aneka obat tradisional.

Buah dari asam jawa kandungan berbagai kadar senyawa seperti  asam tartrat,  asam apel, asam anggur, asam sitrat ,ectin dan gula invert, asam suksinat. Selain itu, dari setiap 100 gram buah asam jawa, Anda akan mendapatkan banyak asupan gizi, antara lain: protein sebanyak 2,8 gram, kalori sebesar 239 kal, lemak sebesar 0,6 gram, kalsium 74 miligram, hidrat arang sebanyak 62,5 miligram

Berikut ini adalah kandungan nilai gizi asam jawa @100g (lebih lengkapnya bisa dilihat di USDA)

Zat besi0,60mg
Vitamin A30,00SI
Vitamin B0,34mg
Vitamin C3,5mg

Manfaat dan Khasiat Asam Jawa

Dari zaman nenek moyang, Asam Jawa selain digunakan untuk campuran aneka menu masakan, juga dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuatan obat-obatan tradisional untuk berbagai macam penyakit, di antaranya:
  • Jerawat
  • Borok
  • Keputihan
  • Gatal berupa titik-titik merah bergelembung air
  • Nyeri haid pada gadis remaja
  • Campak
  • H4id bau anyir
  • Batuk kering
  • Sariawan
  • Gatal pada bekas luka yang sudah kering
  • Bisul

Cara mengolah Asam Jawa Menjadi Obat

Berikut ini adalah panduan tentang cara mengolah Asam Jawa menjadi obat tradisional seperti dijelaskan oleh Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah – Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (PDII-LIPI) melalui laman
  1. Mengobati jerawat. Siapkan asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh, 12 helai daun sambiloto, 10 iris temulawak, kencur 5 cm, 1 sendok teh adas, 10 helai daun jintan, semua dicuci lalu lumatkan semua bahan. Beri 1 2/2 gelas air, saring dan ampasnya diperas dengan kain. Minum 3x sehari. Untuk obat luar: asam jawa diberi air bersih, diremas-remas, disaring dan airnya dipakai untuk mencuci muka menjelang tidur malam.
  2. Mengobati sariawan. 1 cangkir daun asam muda, sepotong kunyit 5 cm. Semua dicuci, kunyit diiris. Rebus dengan 4 gelas air sampai airnya tinggal setengah. Supaya rasanya agak enak, boleh ditambahkan gula aren saat merebus. Saring. Minum pagi dan sore. Ulangi selama beberapa hari.
  3. Mengatasi haid bau anyir. Asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh dicampur dengan 10 iris temulawak yang dicuci dulu sebelum diiris dan irisan gula aren. Seduh dengan segelas air. Aduk rata. Setelah dingin disaring. Diminum 1x sehari selama haid.
  4. Gatal berupa titik-titik merah bergelembung air. 8 iris temulawak (dicuci dulu sebelum diiris-iris) dan gula aren direbus dengan segelas air, sampai airnya tinggal setengah. Masukkan asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh, aduk sampai asam keluar sarinya. Saring, minum sekali sehari sampai sembuh.
  5. Mengatasi keputihan. Asam kawak sebesar kelereng, 25 helai daun beluntas dicuci, kunyit 5 cm dicuci, dikupas, sedikit gula aren. Daun asam dan kunyit dilumatkan, diseduh dengan 1/2 gelas air panas. Masukkan asam dan gula. Aduk-aduk sampai gula larut. Peras dengan kain. Diminum menjelang tidur malam setiap hari.
  6. Mengobati bisul. Ambil asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh, direndam dalam 1 gelas air sehingga mengembang, 5 iris temulawak yang dicuci dulu sebelum diiris, gula aren untuk pemanis. Semuan dididihkan sehingga airnya tinggal setengah. Diminum 1x sehari sampai sembuh. Untuk ditempelkan: asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh, sedikit garam dan sedikit minyak dicampur dan dilumatkan. Tempelkan ke bisul.
  7. Mengatasi nyeri haid pada gadis remaja. (Cara I) 10 iris temulawak yang dicuci dulu sebelum diiris, gula aren untuk memperbaiki rasa, direbus dengan segelas air sampai airnya tinggal setengah. Masukkan asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh. Aduk sampai asamnya mengembang. Saring, lalu minum sekali sehari selama seminggu sebelum haid. (Cara II) Asam kawak sebesar telur burung puyuh, 10 iris kunyit segar yang dicuci dulu sebelum diiris. Seduh dengan setengah gelas air. Tutup dan biarkan sampai hangat kuku. Saring. Ramuan ini untuk sekali minum. Lakukan setiap pagi dan sore. Catatan: Ramuan asam kawak jangan diminum oleh wanita hamil.
  8. Gatal pada bekas luka yang sudah kering. (Cara I) asam kawak dilembapkan dengan air bersih yang sudah matang, lalu digosokkan ke bekas luka yang gatal. (Cara II) 1 sendok makan penuh daun asam, sepotong empu kunyit, dicuci, dilumatkan, ditempel ke bekas luka yang gatal.
  9. Mengobati borok (luka berair dan bernanah, gatal, dan pedih). Biji-biji asam dicuci, dikupas, dilumatkan. Tempelkan pada borok.
  10. Mengobati batuk kering. 2 gelas daun asam, 2 gelas daun saga, 5 cm kayu manis Cina dicuci, direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai airnya tinggal 2 gelas. Diminum siang hari, sebagai pengganti air minum biasa. Ulangi selama beberapa hari.
  11. Mengobati campak. 1 gelas daun asam, 3 rimpang kunyit segar dicuci, diiris, sedikit garam dan gula aren. Semua direbus dengan 2 gelas air sampai airnya tinggal setengah. Diminum pagi dan sore. Ulangi seperlunya.

Semoga bermanfaat

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Benefits of Dragon Fruit Saturday, 1 August 2020

Benefits of Dragon Fruit - A super nutritious food that can provide great benefits to the human body, Dragon Fruit which is known by the name of pitaya has a sweet or sour taste. Dragon Fruit is starting to be known for its many benefits. This unique fruit has a pink skin with a layer of leaves that looks like a thorn.

Benefits of dragon fruit and its contents are very good for various things and fulfillment of vitamins and minerals in the body. There are several benefits of dragon fruit if consumed regularly it will bring positive effects to the body.

Nutrient Content in Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit contains important ingredients namely Water, Fiber, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Protein, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Calcium, Carbohydrates, Riboflavin (Vitamin B12), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron.

NutritionAmount / 100 gram% AKG dailyinformation
Water87 gNAVery rich in water
Protein1.1 g2.1 %-
fat0.4 g-There is practically no fat
Carbohydrate11.0 g3.4 %-
Fiber0.04 mg12 %The source of fiber is quite high
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.04 g2.7 %-
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.05 mg2.9 %-
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.16 mg0.8 %-
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)20.5 mgNAVery rich in water
Calcium(Ca)8.5 mg0.9 %Contains 3x more than carrots
iron(Fe)0.16 mg0.8 %-

Here are some of the benefits possessed by Naga Fruits:
1. Prevents Cancer Helps Form Red Blood Cells (Hemoglobin)

Dragon fruit contains vitamin B12 (riboflavin) which is very high. As we know in our body, red blood cells (hemoglobin) are needed. In the formation of red blood cells is carried out with the help of vitamin B12 or riboflavin. So the consumption of dragon fruit can certainly help the formation of red blood cells (hemoglobin) in the body.

Dragon fruit contains phytoalbumin antioxidants which are very numerous. This compound can increase the formation of carcinogenic free radicals that prevent cancer cells from developing in the body. Besides the dragon fruit also streams the work of removing toxins out of the body, including poisons that trigger cancer.

2.Useful for Bone Health

It is very important to maintain healthy bones, because bones are one of the important organs in our body. Will experience problems if the bones are not strong bones which will certainly interfere with other important organs. Dragon fruit contains a lot of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron which makes dragon fruit a good source of food to meet the nutritional needs of bones to be able to stay healthy and strong.
3.Preventing Heart Disease

Very much content that is owned by dragon fruit can prevent and reduce the risk of heart disease. By consuming a lot of red dragon fruit is one effective way to prevent heart disease.
4.Maintaining Eye Health

The high content of beta-carotene makes dragon fruit a fruit that can maintain eye health in addition to carrots. we know that beta-carotene is an ingredient that is very beneficial for maintaining eye health and clarity.
5.Supports the Diet Program

Dragon fruit is a fruit that is high in protein, but low in fat and carbohydrates. For those of you who are doing weight-loss programs, it doesn't hurt to try and make dragon fruit as an ingredient or alternative in losing weight. So that the dragon fruit becomes a fruit that is very suitable for consumption when dieting. The protein content can meet the body's needs and the fat and carbohydrate content is not worrying to disrupt your diet program. In addition, the fiber content in dragon fruit can also help to facilitate digestion.
6.Prevents Diabetes

Of course we are familiar with diabetes, many of us find that some people have this disease. Starting from an unhealthy lifestyle makes humans vulnerable to diabetes. Therefore it would not hurt if we try to consume dragon fruit to prevent and overcome diabetes, because dragon fruit is believed to be able to kill bad cells produced as a result of unhealthy lifestyles that humans do.

May be useful
----------------Health Information -----------------------

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Health Benefits of Mangosteen for Health Thursday, 23 January 2020

Benefits of Mangosteen Skin for Health    - which has the Latin name Garcinia mangostana L belongs to the family Clusiaceae and the mangosteen is known as Queen fruit or its queen of fruit and its king is durian . Fruit with pait seeds and sweet meat are widely used in health fields such as treat diseases and affairs beauty is like combining the skin to keep it smooth

Mangosteen has a white flesh with a slightly fibrous meat texture, it tastes very sweet and refreshing because it contains a lot of water, but who would have thought the most benefit in fruit mangosteen is on the skin of the fruit and the skin mangosteen fruit has become popular because based on research so many health benefits.

This mangosteen skin stores so many nutrients such as vitamin C, besides that there are also Xamthone compounds which have more than 10 types of hereditary compounds, each of which is useful to prevent, fight or treat various types of chronic diseases. Antioxidants are very strong in the skin efficacious as an energy booster when our body is exhausted.

Benefits of mangosteen rind 

Treating thrush

The content of vitamin C in the mangosteen also works to cure thrush. how to treat thrush how to by preparing the skin of the fruit of 2 mangosteen fruit that is washed and has been cut into pieces first. then boil the mangosteen peel with 3 cups of water until the size is reduced by 50 percent. let it cool after cool, strain the stew and make it to rinse.

Overcoming Diarrhea
In the Philippines the mangosteen fruit is very popular. Philippine people usually use the mangosteen leaf decoction and skin to overcome various types of disease symptoms such as, lowering body temperature during fever, dysentery, thrush, overcoming diarrhea, to urinary disorders.

Anti cancer
The content of xanthones in the skin and mangosteen is anti-proliferation and apoptosis, namely, effective to inhibit growth while destroying cancer cells.

Preventing Heart Disease
Mangosteen fruit also contains a number of minerals such as copper, manganese and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cells and body fluids to help control heart rate, and blood pressure. Thus, it means that the mangosteen fruit offers protection against super dangerous stroke and coronary heart disease.

Rejuvenate the skin
Especially for women, you definitely love the benefits of mangosteen rind that makes you more youthful. The content of anti-oxidants in it can prevent premature aging and regenerate skin cells. Even those of you who have various skin diseases.
----------------Health Information -----------------------

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Foods That Can Eliminate Toxins in Our Body Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Unwittingly the food consumed also contains many poisons that come from dust and pollution Every day our bodies are exposed to toxins, both from outside the body and from inside the body. From the food we eat, we can get poisons, from the remnants of metabolism or the functions performed by the body
In addition, the habit of using certain products such as cosmetics, home cleaning products and others are also very risky. Without realizing all these products contain poisons that can be absorbed by the body and are certainly very dangerous for health. which is very dangerous for the body.

This depends on our lifestyle. If we live a healthy lifestyle, the toxins in the body also will not accumulate and cause disease. But on the other hand, there is air pollution and erratic weather that makes the body exposed to many free radicals. For that, the body needs antioxidants / detoxification in order to expel free radicals and poisons from the body
For this reason, detoxification is needed to help remove toxins from the body. The body needs to rest for a while to cleanse itself.

Spinach ;
Spinach can treat anemia, increase metabolism and immunity, and make bones stronger, and others. Spinach can also detoxify the entire body by removing harmful toxins in our body
Don't be surprised if Mr. Popeye in the Popeye cartoon series The Sailor Man is very fond of drinking a can of spinach. In fact, spinach is a 'super' food that can make the body stronger. Not only that, spinach can also treat anemia, increase metabolism or immunity, and can detoxify the body while removing harmful toxins.

Garlic ;
Since ancient times, garlic is believed to be an antibiotic for the body that can prevent dangerous diseases. Not only that, the chemical compounds in it which are known as allicin substances can filter out toxins, especially from the digestive system, thus making us stay healthy.

Many foods use garlic as a condiment. Garlic can actually prevent dangerous diseases and nutritional content can cleanse toxins in the body. The allicin compound in garlic can filter out toxins so that it keeps the body safe and healthy.

Broccoli ;
If you don't like vegetables, especially broccoli, you should think again. Broccoli is the best food to expel toxins from the body, because antioxidants are high.

These vegetables are often not liked by adults and children. And if you are good at processing it, broccoli has a very delicious taste. Not only that, these green vegetables also have important benefits for health, one of which is to help the body release toxins and have high antioxidant content.
and the most very powerful so that your body is always fit you can drink WHITE WATER

Our body contains 80% water, so we certainly need water to help the body carry out its functions. When you drink, you actually not only quench your thirst, but also help remove toxins from the bodY;

When you want to remove toxins from the body, you may need more water than usual recommendations
Drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day is enough to provide water for the body, but you need to increase your water consumption when you do detoxification. However, the water needs of each person varies depending on gender and body size. A person's fluid needs will also increase as he does more physical activity.
----------------Health Information -----------------------

20 Health Benefits of Ciplukan / Cecenet for Health

  20 Benefits of Ciplukan / Cecenet Fruits for Health - Who doesn't know fruit plumps ? This fruit tastes sweet-sour , green-yellow , and is wrapped in thin skin. Fruit ciplukan was once underestimated and known as a wild plant, had no sale value, and was considered a weed. But ............

Ciplukan fruit also saves a myriad of benefits for health. The benefits of ciplukan fruits start from increasing body immunity, to preventing the growth of cancer cells.

Various nutrients contained in ciplukan fruits, such as vitamin C , vitamin A , tiamin , riboflavin , polifenol niacin , iron , and phosphor , can support and maintain health .
Ciplukan has a Latin name Physalis angulata L  This plant is widely grown in gardens, fields, roadsides, bushes, or forests. Ciplukan has different names in each region. The fruit is known by the name morel berry in England , cepentu in Java , shredded in Sundanese , slipped in Bali , and curses in Minahasa.

Ciplukan contains chlorogenic acid, citrum and fissal acid > . This fruit also contains nutrients such as malic acid, alkaloids, tannins, cryptoxanthines, vitamin C and sugar, and elaidic acid. </ b>

Content in Ciplukan Fruit

- Rich in Antioxidants

Ciplukan is one of the fruits that contains antioxidants which is quite high, which plays an active role in overcoming disease hepatitis, malaria , rheumatism, dermatitis, asthma, to cancer.
Ethanol in ciplukan fruit contains antioxidants which can protect and repair cell damage in the body due to free radicals. A study states that anticancer </ u> in ciplukan fruit should not be ignored.

Although small in size, the fruit ciplukan contains phenolic compounds that can fight the development of breast cancer cells and colon cancer.

According to research results from University of Bonn in Germany , the benefits of ciplukan for this cancer is no less effective than other fruits, such as oranges.

- Vitamins

Fruit ciplukan is rich in nutrients, such as vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin D to vitamin K . The content is certainly very good for health.

Vitamin A in the fruit plump which can improve eyesight and nourish the eyes . fruit ciplukan also contains substances lutein, beta carotene, and carotenoids which can prevent it from macular degeneration . Macular degeneration is a major cause of blindness in the elderly. Carotenoid substances in this small fruit are also able to prevent the risk of some eye disorders .
Vitamin C in fruit ciplukan is believed to be able to maintain a healthy body. Vitamin C is able to prevent several diseases, such as heartburn. In addition, vitamins C and D in this one fruit are also useful for beauty .

In addition, the content of vitamin K in the fruit of ciplukan serves to maintain bone health, maintain healthy skin, and maintain blood pressure to remain nomal. In fact, vitamin K can cause a decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease.

20 Benefits of Ciplukan Fruit for Health

ciplukan fruit easily found in bushes, rice fields, gardens or yards. This fruit has a small size but has a myriad of health benefits for the body Here are the benefits of ciplukan fruit that are rarely known:

  1. Prevents cancer
  2. Reducing the risk of coronary heart disease
  3. Prevents strokes
  4. Overcoming high blood pressure
  5. Improve eye health
  6. Overcoming inflammation
  7. Treating rheumatism
  8. Boosts the immune system
  9. Strengthen bones
  10. Protect the liver and kidneys
  11. Good for pregnant women and fetal development
  12. Help overcome diabetes
  13. Cure the flu and cough
  14. Helps with lung disease
  15. Asthma medicine
  16. Treating skin diseases
  17. Reduce heat from fever
  18. Treating breast cancer
  19. Maintaining skin health
  20. Prevents premature aging
To get the benefits of pluck , consume ripe or orange-colored fruit. Avoid consume ciplukan fruit which is still raw , because it can increase the risk of indigestion, cramps, and diarrhea.

Although it has a variety of benefits that are good for health, if you have certain medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor first before consuming ciplukan fruit.

----------------Health Information -----------------------