Showing posts with label kantor dan Intansi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kantor dan Intansi. Show all posts

Monday, 6 June 2016

Card Wife / Husband Cards Monday, 6 June 2016

Card Wife / Husband Cards
Wife Wife cards are cards Civil Servant;
Husband Husband cards are cards Civil Servant;
Wife cards or identity cards husband wife or husband is a legitimate civil servants.

The terms of the establishment of a new husband or wife Cards:
1. FC. SK CPNS legalized
2. FC. SK PNS / rank legalized
3. FC. Karpeg legalized (for those who already have)
4. FC. The new NIP
5. The cover letter of the WTO (in 2);
6. Copy of Marriage Certificate valid which has been legalized;
7. The photographs of the spouse black and white size 3 x 4 (2 sheets);
Civil Servants whose status widow / widower if married again, fill out a certificate of widows / widowers, accompanied by:
1. A letter of introduction from the WTO;
2. Copy of Marriage Certificate valid which has been legalized;
3. photographs of the husband / wife black and white size 3 x 4;
4. Photos of unauthorized copies certificate of divorce / death;
5. File requirements made double 3 (three) bundles.
Requirements determination Wife cards or cards missing husband is the same as the requirements / Card determination Wife / Husband newly added requirements:
The original letter from the police lost;


Card application procedures Wife or Husband Card are:

  1.  Civil Servants apply for a Card or Card Husband Wife;
  2.  Request Card Wife or Husband Card was filed by the head of the WTO pertinent to the mayor through Section Officer;
  3. Part Kepegawian submit proposals Cards Wife or Husband Card to the Regional Office III State Personnel Board;
  4. Husband Wife cards or cards that have been set by the Regional Office III State Personnel Board submitted to the Regional Employment Board;
  5. Part Kepegawian sends back to OPD proposes Card Wife or Husband Card to be forwarded to the Civil Service.


 Law No. 8 of 1974 on the Fundamentals of Civil Service as amended by Act No. 43 of 1999;

Government Regulation No. 10 of 1983 on Marriage and Divorce Licensed for Civil Servants

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Tugas Penyimpan dan Pengurus Barang dalam Pengelolaan Barang Milik Daerah Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Tugas Penyimpan Barang:
a. menerima, menyimpan dan menyalurkan barang milik daerah;
b. meneliti dan menghimpun dokumen pengadaan barang yang diterima;
c. meneliti jumlah dan kualitas barang yang diterima sesuai dengan dokumen pengadaan;
d. mencatat barang milik daerah yang diterima ke dalam buku/kartu barang;
e. mengamankan barang milik daerah yang ada dalam persediaan; dan
f. membuat laporan penerimaan, penyaluran dan stock/persediaan barang milik daerah kepada Kepala SKPD.

Tugas Pengurus Barang:

a. mencatat seluruh barang milik daerah yang berada di masing¬masing SKPD yang berasal dari APBD maupun perolehan lain yang sah kedalam Kartu Inventaris Barang (KIB), Kartu Inventaris Ruangan (KIR), Buku Inventaris (BI) dan Buku Induk Inventaris (BIl), sesuai kodefikasi dan penggolongan barang milik daerah;

b. melakukan pencatatan barang milik daerah yang dipelihara/diperbaiki kedalam kartu pemeliharaan;

c. menyiapkan Laporan Barang Pengguna Semesteran (LBPS) dan Laporan Barang Pengguna Tahunan (LBPT) serta Laporan Inventarisasi 5 (lima) tahunan yang berada di SKPD kepada pengelola; dan

d. menyiapkan usulan penghapusan barang milik daerah yang rusak atau tidak dipergunakan lagi.
bagi anda pengurus Atau Penyimpan Barang dimanapun Berada
Tidak Semua Pengurus dan Penyimpan mengerti soo Kota Share Disini
Bersama Pengurus Barang Daerah Kota Tasikmalaya

#Tanya Jawab Seputar Barang Daerah 
source :::

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Job Evaluation Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Job Evaluation

In order to accelerate the realization of civil servants are professional, productive and accountable, the needed fundamental changes to the remuneration system in force. Servants remuneration system should be based on "merit system". The main principle of merit-based remuneration system is determining the amount of remuneration should be based on performance, the weight of the job (the job value) and rank (grade) each position. The weight or value of position and rank positions acquired or established through a process called Job Evaluation.


The purpose of the Job Evaluation Preparation activities, among others:

  1. Carry out an assessment / evaluation of the structural and functional positions according to the rules and principles of job evaluation.
  2. Develop job weight / value position (job value) and ranking position / class positions (job grade / job class) corresponding to the structure and working procedures of the organization and job analysis.
  3. Produce documents Job Evaluation as the basis of a remuneration / reward fairly, based on performance and positions carried.


Output (output) Preparation of Job Evaluation Job Evaluation is a document containing the results of the assessment / evaluation of the factors and weights work position / value position (job value) and rank (grade) each position.


The results (outcomes) Preparation of Job Evaluation will be used as the material for, among others:

  1. The basis for calculating the evaluation and remuneration of civil servants accountable.
  2. The certainty of a fair and equal remuneration for work on the basis of the weight of the apparatus of civil servants.
  3. Reward and punishment of the reward.

Storage and Management of Goods Duties in Management of Regional Property

Storage and Management of Goods Duties in Management of Regional Property
Goods Storage tasks:
a. receiving, storing and distributing goods belonging to the region;
b. researching and collecting documents received procurement;
c. examine the quantity and quality of goods received in accordance with the procurement documents;
d. noted sectoral asset received into the book / cardstock;
e. securing belongings regions in stock; and
f. reports receipt, distribution and stock / inventory of goods belonging to the Head SKPD area.

Board Task Item:
a. record the entire property area is in masing¬masing SKPD derived from the budget and other legitimate acquisition card into Goods Inventory (KIB), Card Room Inventory (KIR), Book Inventory (BI) and Parent Book Inventory (BIL), according codefication and classification of goods belonging to the region;

b. keep records of goods belonging to the area being maintained / repaired into a maintenance card;

c. Goods Reports Semester prepare Users (LBPS) and Annual Report User Item (LBPT) and Inventory Reports 5 (five) annual located in SKPD to the manager; and

d. prepare proposals abolition of property damaged areas or not used anymore.

source :::